SHELTERS / Pennsylvania / Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Birdsboro, PA

Show Your Support
You can make a difference. Executive Director Liz McCauley and all her staff and volunteers Thank You for your generous donations!
Animal Rescue League of Berks County
The ARL’s mission is to impact all aspects of humane treatment of animals through quality service, accommodation, and education of pet owners and the community. The history of the Animal Rescue dates back to July 7, 1952, when Mary Archer, a Berks County socialite and lifelong activist for animal welfare, founded the Animal Rescue League because of her concern for the humane treatment of animals in Berks County. Since then, they have been making a bigger and more positive impact in their community each and every year!
58 Kennel Road | Birdsboro, PA 19508
The Shelter Visits
Pedaling4Paws will visit the Animal Rescue League of Berks County on June 23, 2015 around 11:00AM. Visit with the cyclists and the animals!
Shelter Specific Info
Since 1952, tens of thousands of animals have been spared the fate of uncertainty and given the opportunity to experience a more enriching and humane life through the services provided by the Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Inc (ARL). The ARL’s dedication to providing shelter and care for the unwanted and abused animals of Greater Reading has resulted in a comprehensive effort to not only provide the optimum level of care, but to enhance and guarantee a humane life for over 10,000 animals annually. At any given time they care for over 175 animals a day on our 10 acre facility, many of whom require veterinary care, rehabilitation, and training. Between the months of May through September, the shelter receives an average of 900 cats and 300 dogs per month.